As a rule, previous jobs of celebrities are noticeably different from their current occupations. They take great pains to hide their past experience, but I don`t understand why. It`s understood that before their fame came they were ordinary people and had to earn money for living as all people do. But, I must admit, some of the professions, that celebrities were busy with, are really strange and unexpected, so here are some of them.
1. Brad Pitt worked as a chicken mascot for El Pollo Loco
Can you imagine that the most handsome man in the world was advertising fast-food at El Pollo Loco? It`s hard to believe but it is true. Every morning he put on a chicken suit and nobody could recognize his face. But that was just a period in his life and only few people know about it, including you.
2. Whoopi Goldberg worked as a mortuary beautician
Whoopi Goldberg is to be singled out among other extraordinary people as her previous job was really weird. Certainly she could choose working in a shop or in some kind of an office, but it was fine for her to make the deceased look nice.
3. Channing Tatum worked as a stripper
Playing a stripper in film Magic Mike was very convincing. Who could know that he already had some prior experience in this sphere? When Channing was just a guy, but not a heartthrob of all women around the world, he worked as a stripper. We all must confess that this experience had a good influence on his movie career.
4. Gene Simmons worked as a teacher in elementary school
It is really unbelievable that a great Kiss singer was teaching small kids. Knowing him, I think many parents wouldn`t agree to trust their kids to heavy-metal musician if they knew. But it was before his outstanding career and his pupils must have had a lot of fun with him. They are surely proud that Gene Simmons was their first teacher.
5. Matthew Mcconaughey worked a chicken coop cleaner
We should be really happy that this was only a temporary job for him, otherwise the world didn`t have such a talented actor. At that time he was an exchange student and, being in need of money, worked in an Australian chicken farm. When you are a student and some extra financial resources are needed the opportunities to choose from are not numerous.
6. George Clooney worked as a shoe salesman
This job is quite ordinary if to compare it with other mentioned here. But who knows, how many people were lucky to be served by George Clooney!? Imagine having him place a shoe on your foot or give you precious advice. That pair of shoe might be more precious and valuable than you could imagine.
7. Rob Stewart worked as a gravedigger
This celebrity also worked with the deceased before his musical career. Rob Stewart was a gravedigger. I don`t think it somehow helped him to get into show business but it is great that it was just a transition period in his life, which Rob is not eager to mention.
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